
小猪佩奇13期:Peppa Pig-The Fire Engine

2017-12-07 原著共读


小猪佩奇01期:Work and Play

小猪佩奇02期:Peppa pig--The Rainbow(配英文旁白)

小猪佩奇03期:Peppa pig--Pedro's Cough

小猪佩奇04期:Peppa pig--The Library

小猪佩奇05期:Peppa Pig-The Camper Van

小猪佩奇06期:Peppa Pig-Camping Holiday

小猪佩奇07期:Peppa Pig-Compost

小猪佩奇08期:Peppa Pig-Richard Rabbit Comes to Play

小猪佩奇09期:Peppa Pig-Fun Run

小猪佩奇10期:Peppa Pig-Washing

小猪佩奇11期:Peppa Pig-Pollys Boat Trip

小猪佩奇12期:Peppa Pig-Delphine Donkey

为了让孩子有更多的途径接触原版英语视频材料,提高孩子的听力和语感,“原著共读”推出5分钟的英文睡前小故事--Peppa pig(小猪佩奇--风靡全球的粉红小猪妹,最受小朋友们喜欢的英文动画短片),睡前看一看,顺便学一两句英文,再美美的进入梦乡,What a wonderful day!

13期视频--带字幕版  (往下拉有英文旁白)

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1.The fire is outHurray!


2. Thank you for saving us, Miss Rabbit.


3. No problem! It’s al 41 36507 41 15232 0 0 3549 0 0:00:10 0:00:04 0:00:06 3548l parts of the service.



1. out 本义为“往外,出来”,同时也有“熄灭的”意思。

例:All the lights were out in the house.

2. thank you for + doing... 为某事而感谢。

例:Thank you for looking after my son.

3. Miss 小姐(用于未婚女子姓氏之前,作为礼貌的称呼)

4.No problem! 没问题。此处译为:不用谢!

5.It's all parts of the survise! 意为“这是服务的所有部分。”





The Fire Engine

Mummy pig is dressed as a fireman.

Mummy, why are you dressed like that?

I’m going to the

mummy’s fire engine practice.


This is just a good excuse

for a cup of tea and a chat.

Well, what are you

doing today, daddy pig?

I’ve got a very important meeting

with the daddy’s football team.

That’s just a lot of grown- up

boys kicking a football around.

We are having a barbecue as well.

Here are Mr. Bull, Mr. Rabbit,

Mr. Pony and Mr. Zebra.

Moo, is Daddy pig coming out to play?

Come on!

Mummy, can we see the fire engine?


Oh, goodie!

This is Miss. Rabbit’s fire station.

Hello, Peppa and George.

Come and see the fire engine.

Fire engine!

There is a ladder for climbing, a hose

for squirting water,and a big bell to ring.

Dingdong dingdong!

Now, let’s go up to the

tower and look for fires.

Hello, everyone.

Hello, Peppa! Hello, George.

Oh, who’s for a nice cup of tea and a chat?

That sounds nice.

A telephone!

Peppa, that is the fire phone.

It’s only to be used when there is a fire.

Ah, fire! Fire!

Fire station, where is

the fire? Where is the fire?

Can I speak to Mummy pig, please?

Oh, it’s Daddy pig.

Daddy pig, you are not supposed to ring

on this phone.It’s only for emergencies

This is an emergency.I can’t find

the tomato ketchup  anywhere.

Daddy pig, shall I start to barbecue now?

Yes, please, Mr. Rabbit.

Do be careful with the

barbecue, daddy pig.

Trust me, mummy pig.We daddies

know all about barbecues. Bye!

Maybe it needs more charcoal.

Give it a bit of blow.

Put a few more fire lighters on.

Now, we just have to wait for a fire.

How long do we have to wait?

Oh, it could be a long time.

I’ve been waiting ages.

How many fires have you

actually put out, Miss Rabbit?

None, not one fire,

but you’ve got to be ready.

It’s the fire phone.

Can you answer it, Peppa?

It’ll probably be your daddy again.


Hello, fire station.

Hello, Peppa.

Oh, daddy, it is you! You’re very

naughty. This phone is for fires only.

Can you put Miss Rabbit on,

please? That’s a good girl!

Daddy wants to speak to you.

Hello, daddy pig. This phone is

only to be used when there is a…

Fire! Fire!

Oh, dear, daddy pig’s barbecue is on fire.

Fire! Fire!

Mummies to the rescue!Wee …

Wee …

Hold tight!Wee …

Fire! Fire! Dingdong dingdong!

It’s Miss Rabbit’s fire engine.


Stand back, daddies.

Mummy dog, turn on the water.

Aye, aye, mummy pig!

The fire is out.


Thank you for saving us, Miss Rabbit.

No problem! It’s all part of the

service.  The mummy’s fire engine service.

And now that Miss Rabbit

has kindly flooded our garden.

We can all jump up and

down in muddy puddles.


I love fire engines,especially

when they made muddy puddles!



英语方法 | 思维导图背英语课文步骤详解,从此背诵不再难!


英语方法 | 一定要进行英语背诵的45个伟大理由!








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